Kristina Exler

Konverzace v anglickém jazyce
Anglický jazyk
Obchodní korespondence v angličtině

O vyučujícím

I enjoy using my skills as an educator and native speaker to positively influence pupils to appreciate learning. I graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University, in the United States, with a bachelor’s degree in Education. After a few years of teaching in Florida, I decided to take my degree abroad. With dual citizenship, I chose to explore my roots in Czech Republic. I have been teaching English in Czech Republic for three years. I have previously taught in Scio Skola and am currently teaching at Skola mezinárodních a verejnych vztahu Praha and Da Vinci skola, while also giving private English lessons. Currently, I am also studying Psychology in Education to receive new information and connect it with my creative talents to be inspirational through educating.